Photos from Burning Man 1995

Lizard Man in the Black Rock Desert

The Burning Man with Trego Mountain & the tiny Moon

The Black Rock presiding over its desert. All roads lead from here.

Calico Mountains, another beautiful day to playa

Calico Mountains as seen from the Playa

Trego Mountain, 15 miles distant, looms over the encampment.

Portland Cacophony's Bigfoot Shopping Mall

This is the world; obviously, the Black Rock Desert is bigger!

huong-Lan Forever Blowing Bubbles...

Burning Man and Fire Lingam, built of native mud.

Fire Lingam...counterpart to the Burning Man...

eemen's Industrial Lovers resting before the Battle

Fire Lingam with the Burning Man being lowered in the background.

Fire Lingam again.

Black Rock Desert fashion and transportation...Some of the cars had bugs.

Approaching Thunderstorm over Trego Mountain

Daylight fades over the Black Rock Desert

Burning Man, History of Burning ManTrip BrownBurning Man 1995, 1995, Lizard Man, Bigfoot Mall, Bigfood Shopping Mall, Big Foot Plaza