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Burning Man 1997 | Burning Man Reservation Form (Ticket Form)

the Event | the Project | the Community | Search | 1997 Retrospective | Email

Wednesday, August 27 through Monday, September 1, 1997

We will be in Nevada this year on private land adjacent to the Fly Hot Springs. All attendees, including artists, performers and volunteers, must have tickets for the event, and must bring their own shelter, food and water. Consult the Survival Guide before coming to the desert!

There is no large-scale rave party this year.

The ticket deadline has passed. Tickets are available only at the gate for $75 each.

This form can be used only to order merchandise. Feel free to make copies. For more information call the Hotline at: 415-985-7471.

Name:_____________________________________________________Phone:(______) ________________ Email: _______________________Address:_____________________________________________________City:__________________ State: _______ Zip: ____________

T-SHIRTS - QTY: _____ LARGE + ______ XL = ______ x $15.00 = $________

CAPS - QTY: _____ x $10.00 = $________

TOTAL ENCLOSED = $________

Make checks payable to BURNING MAN. Print this form and mail, with payment, to:

  • Burning Man
    PO Box 420572
    San Francisco CA 94142-0572