Burning Man 1997 | Community
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Burning Man is an experiment in temporary community.
Because many people only know a world shaped by institutions, service workers and commercial transactions, they may not even recognize the signs of a community. Here are a few indications:
Capacity: Communities are built on the recognition of the unique abilities of every member. Commerce and the public service sector define us on the basis of deficiency and need.
Collective effort: Community is cooperative; uniting us as varied members of one body. When, by contrast, we consume a service, we're made passive. 50 million people may view a television program or consume a beverage in complete isolation from one another.
Informality: In the community, transactions of value take place without money, advertising or hype. Care emerges in place of structured service.
Stories: In universities, people know through studies. In businesses and bureaucracies, people know by reports. In communities, people know by stories.
Celebration: Community activities incorporate celebration, parties, and other social events. The line between work and play is blurred and the human nature of everyday life becomes part of the way of work. You will know that you are in a community if you often hear laughter and singing.
Black Rock Rangers
It is the mission of the Black Rock Rangers to safeguard the community. Founded by the legendary Danger Ranger, this group is trained to assist all campers in emergencies, provide for our camp safety and distribute survival information and copies of our community newspaper. Ranger headquarters will be located in Central Camp.
Law Enforcement
This year, as in previous years, the Sheriffs' departments of the surrounding counties will be our welcome guests. They have at times assisted with search and rescue operations. These folks are not here to police your lifestyle. They are here to help in the event of a real emergency.
While our community is remarkably crime-free, don't lose track of the fact that you are in a city. Secure your valuables when you are away from your camp. Introduce yourself to your neighbors and your local Black Rock Ranger; work with them to keep your neighborhood secure.
Emergency Medical Care
If you or someone you know (or encounter) requires medical assistance, contact a Black Rock Ranger or visit our medical station in Central Camp. Trained emergency medical personnel will be on duty 24 hours a day, and emergency evacuation (via ambulance or helicopter) is available.
According to our medical staff, the most common problems last year were dehydration, sunburn (including the eyes of some who forgot their sunglasses), foot and leg wounds from stepping on unprotected rebar tent stakes, motor vehicle incidents, and dehydration. You may also encounter an occasional Horse fly.
This large version of the common house fly can bite and leave a large and irritating welt. Preventative care and reasonable safety precautions are your key to a safe and healthy experience. Take care of yourself, and each other.
Public Information
In a community rich with artists, pranksters and storytellers, rumors abound. Accurate information about events, scheduling, public safety and other vital community concerns can be obtained through our in-camp daily Black Rock Gazette, and through regular news bulletins on Radio Free Burning Man. As a citizen of Black Rock City, consider it your civic duty to check one or both of these resources at least once per day. Our other principal information vehicle is the bulletin board in Central Camp. This is the place to post messages to your friends, publicize last-minute events, and coordinate resource sharing. It is free and open to all, but any message describing or soliciting anything that violates the laws of the United States or the State of Nevada will be promptly removed.
The sale of mass-produced commercial products is prohibited within our community. This is not a consumer event. Stock up before you arrive. Survival supplies such as batteries and sunblock may be ordered at our frontier store in Central Camp.
Photo: Maggie Hallahan (1996)
If you want to broaden your participation in the festival, there are always volunteer positions that need to be filled during the event. Ask around in Central Camp. Ours is a society of activists. When we see a job that needs to be done, we are inclined to roll up our sleeves and pitch in. Keep this in mind: there is no "they," only "us." Burning Man is a 100% participant-funded and staffed event. Sadly, there are always a few people who just don't get it. People who still believe that the mystical "they" will appear to provide for their needs and clean up their mess. Help us instruct these people. If you see someone acting irresponsibly, let them know about it. If they refuse to cooperate, let a Ranger know about it.
Noise Control
Sound travels on the Playa. While we discourage loud activities in residential areas at night, be advised that the only reliable way to get a quiet, uninterrupted night's sleep is to bring earplugs. This year, our community stage will be located away from Central Camp. If you use an amplified audio system at your camp, the volume must be held to reasonable levels.
Large speaker systems will not be allowed at Burning Man.
Portable toilets will be provided, and will be emptied regularly. Use these facilities only for their intended purpose -- not for dumping garbage. Put the lid down when you're done -- it helps keep odors under control.
The Black Rock Desert is not a suitable environment for most pets. Predators thrive in the surrounding hills, and stray dogs may be shot as a nuisance by local ranchers. Dogs will be prohibited at this event.
Conservation & Clean-up
The collection, excavation or vandalism of archaeological artifacts is prohibited by law on public lands. If you find something, please contact a Black Rock Ranger. Part of the beauty of the Playa is its emptiness. Except for tire tracks and footprints, our policy is to leave the desert as the profoundly barren and empty corner of the world that it is. All Black Rock City citizens are expected to participate in the cleanup effort on Monday.
Leave nothing behind, including: firewood, ashes, rocks and cigarette butts. Pick it up and take it with you.
Do not deposit your garbage bags in Gerlach. There is a dump at Lockwood, NV right off I-80 that is easily accessible.
One useful strategy is to try to reduce the weight, volume, and odor of the trash that your camp generates. Eliminate all unnecessary packaging. Choose cans over bottles, and choose reusable containers over both. Prepare food in sensible quantities that your group can finish at a single sitting -- leftovers will quickly become a liability. Bring plenty of trash bags, and take care that your trash doesn't blow away. Consider bringing a waste can with a snugly-fitting lid -- weight the bottom of the can with something heavy so it doesn't topple over.