The Cacophony Society at Burning Man 1995
A couple of stylish ladies from the Burnin' Babes Beauty Salon take a break during a busy Grand Opening Saturday.
Ydnar's Shoe Oasis was popular with shoppers all day as Black Rock Shoppers took advantage of the bargains. Fine shoes going for a song and dance and fuzzy slippers on credit!
Neither rain nor hail nor mud nor heat of the day could keep these dedicated disgruntled postal workers from their appointed rounds. (they were all fighting over the extra clips...). Yes, even on a holiday in the desert, Black Rock residents were not allowed to miss their junk mail.
A Storm Damage Sale and a case of heat stroke forced an early close to the Mall on Sunday.
A nice photo of BIGFOOT SHOPPING MALL, courtesy of Artcars in Cyberspace can be found below.
Photo: Artcars in Cyberspace.