Task 113: Unit Quiz
Estimated Time: 50 mins
Unit Quiz
Perfect grade - 100%
Here's how your score compares with those from the beginning of the unit:60% - how much you thought you knew after the Self Assessment |66% - how much you actually knew after the Rouxbe Assessment |100% - how much you know about this material now.
1. Which shape of vegetable is better for roasting?
2. When roasting vegetables, in order to obtain the best browning, place the vegetables:
a) cut-side up.
b) cut-side down.
3. Orange vegetables, such as carrots, contain the pigment carotene.
a) True
b) False
4. Most bite-size vegetables are best roasted:
a) between 250 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (120 to 150 degrees Celsius).
b) between 350 to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (175 to 190 degrees Celsius).
c) around 475 degrees Fahrenheit (245 degrees Celsius).
5. Which vegetable below will maintain its natural, vibrant color if covered with a lid during cooking?
6. Roasting is a ____________________ cooking method.
a) moist-heat
b) dry-heat
c) combination
7. If steaming vegetables that will be heated again later when used, it is best to:
a) cook them through.
b) par-cook them.
8. To maintain the vibrant green color in vegetables, it is best to cook them ____________ a lid.
a) with
b) without
c) doesn't matter
9. When roasting vegetables, it is best to place the rack in the _____________ of the oven.
a) lower-third
b) center
c) upper-third
10. Vegetables that have been shocked in an ice bath to stop the cooking process should be:
a) kept in the ice water until ready to use.
b) removed from the ice water and stored until ready to use.
c) finished immediately with another cooking method.
11. Parboiled vegetables are vegetables that have been cooked:
a) just past the raw stage.
b) to the almost “al dente” stage.
c) to the “just-tender” stage.
12. Roasted vegetables often get the best color when they are placed:
a) around the perimeter of the tray.
b) near the center of the tray.
13. To promote even browning of vegetables during roasting:
a) toss or flip the vegetables once or twice.
b) never disturb the vegetables.
c) give the roasting pan a little shake.
14. Which vegetables have been properly prepared for boiling, simmering, blanching or parboiling?
15. When roasting, the larger the vegetable, the ___________ the oven temperature needs to be.
a) lower
b) higher
16. Yellow and orange vegetables will lose their color if cooked with an acid.
a) True
b) False
17. To which vegetable can you add an acid to enhance its color?
18. Which vegetable below would benefit most from being boiled (rather than gently simmered)?
19. Which tray of vegetables will roast better?
20. For the best flavor, vegetables should be marinated prior to steaming.
a) True
b) False
21. Younger vegetables will ___________________ than older ones.
a) cook more quickly
b) take longer to cook
22. Which vegetables below should be cooked separately to ensure the brightest possible color?
a) Kale and Swiss chard.
b) Turnips and parsnips.
c) Red and gold beets.
d) Butternut squash and carrots.
23. The most important aspect of preparing puréed vegetables is to:
a) utilize the most flavorful combination of ingredients
b) always use a high-speed blender to ensure a smooth purée
c) cook them properly so they can be broken down easily into a smooth purée
24. To maintain the bright, vibrant color of green vegetables, it is best to cook them with an acid.
a) True
b) False
25. During steaming, ___________-colored vegetables can be prone to losing their natural pigment.
a) orange
b) green
c) red
d) white
26. When steaming, how will a flavorful liquid affect the vegetables?
a) It will add significant flavor.
b) It will add only a small amount of flavor.
c) It will take away from the flavor.
27. Properly-cooked boiled or simmered vegetables such as potatoes, beets and Brussels sprouts should still be crunchy.
a) True
b) False
28. Which vegetable below would you add an acid half way during the cooking time?
29. Sweating aromatics prior to cooking your primary vegetables is done to add color to the finished purée.
a) true
b) false
30. Frozen vegetables are not as healthy as fresh vegetables.
a) True
b) False
31. Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, should be boiled – not simmered.
a) True
b) False
32. For purees, regardless of the method used to cook the vegetables, they must be cooked al denté.
a) true
b) false
33. Of the videos below, which vegetables are steamed to the properly cooked state?
34. The most common cooking method for preparing crudités is:
a) stewing.
b) steaming.
c) blanching.
d) parboiling.
35. When cooking green vegetables in a liquid, it is important to add baking soda to the water to neutralize any acidity.
a) True
b) False
36. Which of the following methods for preparing vegetables for a purée is commonly known to preserve the most nutrients?
a) steaming
b) cooking in liquid
c) roasting
d) braising
e) all of the methods preserve the same amount of nutrients
f) none of the above
37. If finishing green vegetables with a vinaigrette or acid, it is best to add it:
a) just prior to serving.
b) at least 20 minutes in advance to allow the vegetables to soak up the flavor.
c) green vegetables should never be served with a vinaigrette.
38. According to our video lesson, what are the two best ways to test steamed vegetables for doneness?
a) Steam the product for the maximum recommended cooking time AND pinch the food item with your fingers to feel how hard or soft it is.
b) Insert the tip of a paring knife to gauge internal resistance AND taste the food as you cook.
c) Pay attention to the change in color AND squeeze the product with tongs.
d) Use a thermometer AND pay attention to the development of aroma.
39. Adding an acid to white vegetables during cooking will:
a) turn them gray.
b) enhance their bright white color.
c) make them tough.
d) speed up the cooking time.
40. To enhance and preserve the color of red and white vegetables, it is best to cook them with an acid.
a) True
b) False
41. For the best roasting results, vegetables need to be cut into even-sized pieces.
a) True
b) False
42. It is appropriate to cook vegetables in milk for a purée.
a) true
b) false
43. To prepare vegetables for steaming, it is important to __________________________________ for fast and even cooking.
a) peel the vegetables
b) poke holes into the vegetables
c) cut the vegetables into even-sized pieces
44. During roasting, once vegetables are flipped for the first time, they will most often require __________________ cooking on the second side in order to cook through.
a) more
b) the same amount of
c) less
45. Frozen vegetables need to be thawed before being boiled or simmered.
a) True
b) False
46. Green vegetables contain the pigment:
a) anthoxanthin.
b) anthocyanin.
c) chlorophyll.
d) flavonoid.
47. Never season vegetables with salt prior to roasting.
a) True
b) False
48. When holding purées for service, which natural color pigment has the highest tendency to lose its color the longer it sits?
a) dark red vegetables
b) yellow vegetables
c) green vegetables
d) all of these vegetables lose their color pigments equally
49. To slow down the enzymatic browning of certain fruits and vegetables once they are cut, you can:
a) place the fruit or vegetable in acidulated water.
b) seal them in a plastic bag.
c) place them into a brown paper bag.
d) coat the surface with lemon or lime juice.
e) a) or d).
f) b) or c).
50. Which vegetable can be cooked with a lid?
All of the above. d)