Task 116: Unit Pre-Assessment

Professional Cook Certification > Eggs > Task 116Estimated Time: 15 mins

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Unit 6: Rouxbe Assessment

You scored 11 out of 15 - 73%

Great! Now we know what you actually know. Let's get on with the learning.

Pre-Assessment: Eggs

Now we’d like to help you figure out what you actually know about this subject.

Relax and give it your best shot. There are 15 questions, so it won’t take long.

At the end of the course, we’ll compare where you thought you were (Self-Assessment), where you actually were (Pre-Assessment), and what you’ve learned (Rouxbe Assessment Quiz). We think you’ll be impressed with yourself.

Good luck!

1. Air and moisture can pass through the shell of an egg.

  • a) True

  • b) False

2. Which French-style omelet is properly cooked?



3. Which omelet is ready to be rolled?



4. When finishing a frittata in the oven, it should be placed on the __________ rack.

  • a) lower

  • b) middle

  • c) upperExplanation: When finishing a frittata in the oven, it should be placed on the upper rack. This will help to prevent the bottom of the frittata from overcooking while the top sets.

5. Which omelet filling is oriented properly in the pan for folding and plating?



6. Eggs used for poaching should be:

  • a) very fresh and at room temperature.

  • b) older and very cold.

  • c) very fresh and very cold.

  • d) older and at room temperature.

7. Most professional kitchens and recipes call for _________ eggs.

  • a) small

  • b) medium

  • c) large

8. Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.

  • a) True

  • b) False

9. Which egg is fresher than the other?



10. In which video below are the eggs ready to be flipped?



11. Which image depicts the proper position of the egg yolks prior to flipping?



12. Which method will likely result in creamier, scrambled eggs?



13. Before steaming eggs, it is best if the ramekins ____________ coated with a thin layer of fat.

  • a) are

  • b) are not

14. The egg in this video is:

  • a) fresh.

  • b) old.

15. When poaching eggs, vinegar and salt help to speed the coagulation of the egg whites.

  • a) True

  • b) False