Task 81: Unit Review & Quiz Preparation

Estimated Time: 5 mins

Unit Review & Quiz Preparation


We hope you are enjoying your course experience. You’re about to take your unit quiz. This is a timed activity that will count toward your final grade.

Review questions with Practice Flash Cards. This is a really great way to test yourself before you take the actual timed quiz. You will find this on your course dashboard for each unit.

At the completion of this quiz, we will compare your unit grade with the results you reported on your Self Assessment (what you thought you knew before the course), and from your Pre-Assessment (what you actually knew from your short quiz at the start of each unit). We’re confident that you’ll do very well.

Check this task complete below, and proceed to the next task (and unit quiz).

Good luck!

You'll Do Fine!

Relax and take the quiz when you're ready. See you in the next unit.

Link: Practice Flash Cards