Doing Events: A How to Guide | The SF Suicide Club
Here is a short explanation of how events find their way into the newsletter and what their basic structure is.
The Newsletter
This comes out once a month and is paid for by your dues and compiled by a volunteer editor(s). You can list any event you want in the newsletter. There is no censorship, approval, etc.
The original SF Suicide Club “How to” Guide
Anyone can do an event, and it can involve anything imaginable including, but not limited to, urban adventures, role playing games, visits to unusual locations, classes, performances, and group art works. There are no limitations whatsoever. If people like the idea, they'll come out for it. To get an event in the newsletter, write (or preferably type) it up, with the name of the event, the date, the time and meeting place, and a description of what is involved (you can make it all a mystery if you want, and surprise us when we come to it). Be sure to list any materials, special clothes, equipment, etc., required. Then mail the event to the newsletter at its address. The deadline for the next month's events is the 20th of the preceding month. Events don't have to be anything. They don't have to be grand and elaborate, or dangerous, or long, or short, or easy, or hard. If you think it's a good idea, it probably is, and you might as well give it a try. Write it up and send it in.
The Event Organizer
As the organizer of an event you're the boss. People who come on your event do so with the understanding that they have to play by your rules. If they don't like the rules , then they don't have to play. You can set your event up anyway you like. This is the only time we ever have any leaders .
Rules (RULES ?)
WE DON'T HAVE ANY RULES, or officers, or mandatory anything! I hope this answers any questions about doing events that you might have had. Now it's up to you. Think about what you would like to do, write it up, and send it in. ROUGH DRAFT BOX199 904 IRVING ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 94122