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Splitting LSD Doses | Volumetric Dosing of LSD

Other useful resources: Precise dosing of LSD; Phases of an LSD Trip; How to Find a Psychedelic Guide; How to Change Your Mind, (annotated summary);

It is possible to simply cut a tab off LSD or LSD gel in half to get around half a dose. This isn’t an accurate way to split a dose, however, and will work poorly if you want to split doses into smaller portions, or need to split liquid LSD. The method below, volumetric dosing, is simple, and highly accurate.

Volumetric dosing of LSD is an accurate way to split LSD, regardless if in liquid, blotter, powder or gel form.  As LSD is a highly concentrated drug, diluting the LSD allows for more accurate division of doses.  

Step 1.  Get your supplies.  You need a solvent: distilled water (not tap water), grain alcohol (Everclear) or vodka will work (the “solvent”).   You need a liquid measuring device, such as an oral syringe, which can be obtained at most pharmacies or ordered online.  A 1 ml syringe works well. However, any accurate way of measuring liquid will work, including a shot glass or bottle cap.

NOTE:  Do not use tap water.  LSD is highly reactive to even very small amount of chlorine.  Stick with distilled water or alcohol. Other solvents will work, but do an Internet search to confirm non-reactivity with LSD. 

Step 2.   Accurately measure an amount of the solvent into a clean glass.  5 ml will likely work well.

If you lack anything device to measure liquid such as a syringe, you can still do this method with any quite small container, like the top to a water bottle, booze bottle or 2 liter soda bottle.

Step 3.  Add a known amount of LSD and mix thoroughly.  For liquid LSD, stirring for 10 seconds is fine.  If the LSD is on blotter, the blotter paper will likely remain in the solvent but work to dissolve it as much as you can; vigorously poke at it and stir it for at least a minute.  

Mix shortly before taking (minutes not hours).

Step 4.  Determine the desired dose for each participant.  For example, individual A wants 100 ug and individual B wants 150 mg.

Step 5.  Do the math.  Take the amount of LSD added to the solvent and divide by the amount of solvent added.

For example, if you added two drops of liquid LSD at a concentration of 125 ug per drop, and had 5 ml of solvent (such as alcohol) - you would have added 250 ug of LSD to 5 ml of solvent.  Dividing 250 ug by 5 ml means each milliliter is 50 ug of LSD.  The person who want 100 ug takes 2 ml of the solution and the person who wants 150 ug takes 3 ml of the solution.

Another example:   You have three blotters of 150 ug LSD.  And three people, wanting 100 ug, 150 ug and 175 ug, respectively.  Dissolve three blotters (450 ug) of LSD in 5 ml of solvent.  Divide 450 by 5 equaling 90 ug per mi.   First person takes 1.11 ml (100 ug/ 90 ug = 1.1), second person takes 1.66 ml (100 ug/ 150 ug), and third person takes 1.95.  You have 0.28 ml remaining, equaling 25 ug of LSD.  

What to do if you don’t have a syringe

An alternative method if you don’t have a syringe or similar measuring device: If all you have is a shot glass, bottle cap top or similar small container, the process still works. You’ll just need to do some fractions. Again start with understanding what dose each participants wants. Let’s say person A wants 100 ug, B wants 125 ug and C wants 150 ug. And assume you have blotter that is 125 ug per tab. So A wants 80% of a tab (100/125); B wants 100% of a tab (125/125) and C wants 120% of a tab (150/125). B could just take a tab, but we like to have everyone ingest via the same method. So we would add three tabs to a glass. We would then add solvent (distilled water or alcohol) to the glass, using our soda cap or similar device.

There is some art to how many caps you add to make the math work, but if you add around 3x the number of tabs you add, the math will probably be close enough. In this example, we add nine caps of alcohol and dissolve the tabs as best as possible. We know that each cap of solvent will be 1/3rd of a dose (3 tabs divided by 9 caps). Or each cap is 41.6 ug LSD (125ug/3). So person A would take around 2.5 caps (2.5 x 41.6 = 104 ug). Person B takes 3 caps (3 x 41.6 = 124.8). Person C takes 3.5 caps (3.5 x 41.6 = 145.6). If you’re concerned that the numbers are a bit off what was desired, you could use more solvent… say 4 caps for each blotter, or find a syringe… but understand the error ranges above are less than the error ranges of the actual estimated dose of well manufactured LSD blotter.

Important Notes:

  • Always consume the mixture fairly quickly after creating it, especially if you are using Everclear or vodka as a solvent. The alcohol evaporates quite quickly, and your dose will become stronger than expected in no time at all.

  •  Measure every dose, including the last one when you are splitting LSD. For example, if you are splitting tabs three ways, the last person needs to measure their dose. More than once we’ve seen people split doses, only to find that there is more or less than expected in the final dose… i.e., you thought there would be 2 ml left, but there is 1 or 3 ml left. Someone screwed up the measuring, and unless you measure every dose, you won’t even have a clue that something is amiss. (Luckily, we almost always see people measure too little, not too much, leaving the last dose to be too big… and easily redistributed among the group to correct the error. Undetected, the last person would have a heavier trip than expected).

  • Because LSD is easily dissolved, it shouldn’t be necessary to actually any tabs in the solvent. But we also do eat them, and always try to roughly divide the tabs equally among the group, in case there is undissolved LSD in the tabs. (One time your author ate 8 tabs at the bottom of a solvent glass to test the theory all the solvent had dissolved and had no noticeable impact to his trip by doing so).